If you are questioning your faith .. keep watching! 

Wondering what is literally, metaphorically or morally true? You are not alone! 

Today, people are deconstructing their faiths at unprecedented rates.  Some are transforming their religious beliefs into different expressions while others are discarding them altogether. 

The trend is accelerating. According to Pew research, those who self-identify as “religious nones” are at 28% of the US population and growing. 

In recent years high profile Christian pastors, musicians, and YouTubers have come out saying that they no longer believe the way they did!  

To provide clarity, we’ve created a 360 degree religious and science literacy course designed to help you see and frame all sides of the debate…in one place!  

We help you to understand what people believe regarding controversial topics such as Bible inerrancy, exclusivity, afterlife and eternal conscious torment. We look at origin of life theories and evolution. 

Why are some leading scientists believers in God while others are not.

We look at religious market shares over time. We compare and contrast traditional, mainstream and progressive Christian theologies. We also look at the latest advances in science and how they are changing the conversations. 

This deep dive program will take months or  years off your deconstruction journey. Our intention is that it helps you frame and incredibly complex topic and gives you the peace of mind. 

Best of all, It’s absolutely free.  If you find it of value, you can join our cause and help with scholarships for others on their journeys.